Featured CTA

A bit like a two column wysiwyg, but has an intro heading and image at the top, with lots of blobs. On link hover, the link grows and the icon turns.

Label Name Type Notes
Heading featured_cta_heading group (Clone of Utility : Heading)
Left Content featured_cta_left_content wysiwyg
Right Content featured_cta_right_content wysiwyg
Link featured_cta_link link
Icon featured_cta_svg_icon button_group (Clone of Utility : Icon Field)
Image featured_cta_image_id image (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Focus Point featured_cta_image_focus_point button_group (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Fit featured_cta_image_fit select (Clone of Utility : Image)
Lazy Load featured_cta_image_loading true_false (Clone of Utility : Image)